St.peter's church logo family worship
St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Leduc Alberta

Nicaragua Mission
Jan 21 -- Feb 5

Christian Family Worship

Sunday worship at
8:30 am & 11:00 am

Bible study at
10:00am Sundays

Sunday School 9:45am

Bible Study
Wednesday 7:30 pm
& Thursday 9:30 AM

Java House - Young Adults

Annual Church Campout & picnic

Monthly Youth Groups

Adult Instruction Classes

Senior Bible Classes

Contact us
780- 986-2038

Stressed? Confused?
Come and lean on Us
llc cross

St.Peter's Lutheran Church Leduc, Mission Group
† Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Calgary   † Immanuel Lutheran Church in Rocky Mountain House
† Zion Lutheran Church in Wetaskiwin
January 21  2011 -- February 5   2011
Our hardy group will be leaving snowbound Alberta (-33ºC) and traveling to Chinandega (+33ºC), to assist in the building of a Church, and bringing much needed aid, to the folks in the La Resistencia area.

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.